EPDM features and USES:
The main defect of ethylene propylene rubber is the slow vulcanization rate. Difficult to use with other rubber. Self-adhesion and mutual adhesion are very poor, so the processing function is not good. NBR butadiene rubber seal strip -- suitable for use in petroleum hydraulic oil, glycol hydraulic oil, diester lubricating oil, gasoline, water, silicon grease, silicon oil and other media. Is now more widely used, low cost rubber seals, not suitable for polar solvents. For example, ketones, ozone, nitrohydrocarbons, MEK and chloroform are generally used for temperature planning of -40~120℃, HNBR hydrogenated cyanobutadiene rubber seal strip -- with excellent anti-corrosion, anti-tear and anti-shrinkage deformation characteristics, better ozone, sunshine and weather resistance, better wear resistance than cyanobutadiene rubber. Suitable for washing machinery, car engine system and refrigeration system using new environmental refrigerant R134a. It is not recommended to use in alcohols, esters or aromatic solutions, and the general operating temperature is planned to be -40~150℃. SIL silicone rubber seal - with excellent heat, cold, ozone, atmospheric aging resistance, good insulation function. But the tensile strength is worse than general rubber and does not have oil resistance, suitable for household appliances such as electric water heater, electric iron, microwave oven and so on. It is also suitable for all kinds of articles in contact with human body, such as kettle and water dispenser.